Carabus of the World / Road to Myanmar
website dedicated to Carabus groundbeetles, exotic travelling and photography
presented by Boleslav Brezina
Author's Story
Born in Prague, Czech Republic
Graduated at Czech Technological University, Prague
Geotechnician by profession, entomologist by heart
Dealing with non-commercial entomology since 1967, genus Carabus since 1982
Also interested in exotic travelling, high mountains, photography, cycling, good music and Pistucha [pishtiukha]
Daughter Zuzana nicknamed Pistucha (Pika) interested in pikas, tortoises and badminton
Trips and expeditions to:
China, Tibet, Myanmar, Nepal, India, West Papua, Sulawesi, Caucasus, Tianshan, Baykal, Sakhalin, Turkey, Algeria, Libya,
Venezuela, Mexico, California etc..., mostly with his wife and friends.
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Main scientific publications:
Brezina B., 1994:
The Check-list of the Genus Carabus
Klapalekiana, 30: 1-164.
Brezina B., 1996:
A New Carabus-Species and Subspecies from the Mountainous Regions of Gansu and Sichuan, Central China.
Coleoptera, Schwanf. Coleopt. Mitteil., 14: 7-17.
Carabus (Calocarabus) janatai n.sp.
Carabus (Eccoptolabrus) exiguus ochotonarum n.ssp.
Heinz W. & Brezina B., 1996:
Beschreibung einer neuen Carabus-Art aus Nord-Sichuan.
Coleoptera, Schwanf. Coleopt. Mitteil., 14: 1-5.
Carabus (Rhigocarabus) gigolo n.sp.
Brezina B. & Imura Y., 1997:
A New Subgenus and Two New Species of Carabus from Shaanxi and Sichuan, China.
Gekkan-Mushi, 312: 4-9.
Carabus (Coptolabrodes n.subg.) haeckeli n.sp.
Carabus (Calocarabus) trichothorax n.sp.
Brezina B., 1999:
A New Carabus-species from the Jiuding Shan Mountains in Northern Sichuan, Central China.
Folia Heyrovskyana, 7 (2): 119-122.
Carabus (Neoplesius) draco n.sp.
Brezina B., 1999:
World Catalogue of the Genus Carabus
Pensoft Publishers, Sofia - Moscow, 170pp.
order the Catalogue via Pensoft Publishing House
download a demo version of the Catalogue (Word 97 file - 458 kB)
download a zipped demo version (123 kB)
Brezina B. & Häckel M., 2004:
Three new species and one subspecies of Carabus from Gansu Province, Central China,
and description of a male of Carabus isabellae from central Nepal.
Animma.x, No. 6: 1 - 11.
Carabus (Rhigocarabus) gentleman n.sp.
Carabus (Rhigocarabus) broukpytlik n.sp.
Carabus (Rhigocarabus) gigoloides jone n.ssp.
Carabus (Calocarabus) pingpong n.sp.
Brezina B. & Häckel M., 2006:
Three new species of Carabus from Sichuan Province, Central China .
Animma.x, No. 13: 1 - 12.
Carabus (Rhigocarabus) sehnali n.sp.
Carabus (Cupreocarabus) drahoslavae n.sp.
Carabus (Neoplesius) tryznai n.sp.
Brezina B. & Häckel M. & Sehnal R., 2007:
Three new subspecies of Carabus from Qinghai and Sichuan provinces, central China, and a new record of Carabus deuvei from Turkey.
Animma.x, No. 19: 1 - 12.
Carabus (Eccoptolabrus) exiguus evae n.ssp.
Carabus (Neoplesius) alpherakii takin n.ssp.
Carabus (Neoplesius) sinotibeticola pantholops n.ssp.
Carabus (Apoplesius) deuvei hajdaji n.ssp.
background photo: Tibetan holy stone from Dogcanglhamo (July 1995)
web design: © BoBr, 2000