Carabus of the World / Road to Myanmar
website dedicated to Carabus groundbeetles, exotic travelling and photography
presented by Boleslav Brezina


Links - related & interesting websites 
Carabus-online (F.Kleinfeld & H.Schuetze website)
Carabid Biologists
Zoological Institute St. Petersburg
Pensoft Publishing House (entomological literature online)
Kabourek Publishing House (entomological literature online)
Folia Heyrovskiana - Papers on Systematic Entomology (Czech entomological journal)
Carabus on the Road


Travelling, China, Tibet etc...
Maps of Tibet (info, download)
Lungta/Tibinfo (Tibetan history, Getting there, Free Tibet - in Czech)
Tibetan Shih-tzu Dogs (Leading Czech Shih-tzu Kennel)
Latin America (shop, info & travel agency - in Czech)
Ukraine (info, map download)


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background photo: aerial view of the southern shore of the Iceland (February 1998)
web design: © BoBr, 2000