Carabus of the World / Road to Myanmar
website dedicated to Carabus groundbeetles, exotic travelling and photography
presented by Boleslav Brezina
Photo gallery
All photos made with Zenit E, Minolta XG9, Minolta X700, Canon EOS300, Canon EOS33 and Canon EOS D60 cameras
 with 24 - 300 mm fixed focus and zoom lenses.
No reproduction of any image from this website is possible without a prior written permission of the author.
Venezuela, Mexico & California
(click thumbnail for hi-resolution image)
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 Kukenán Tepui, Venezuela (1997)  Kukenán Tepui from Roraima, Venezuela (1997)  Roraima and Kukenán Tepui, Venezuela (1997)
Canaima N.P., Venezuela (1997)  Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela (1997) Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela (1997) Roraima and Kukenán Tepui, Venezuela (1997)
 Pico de Bolívar, 5003 m, Venezuela (1997) Iztaccíhuatl, Mexico (1998) Popocatépetl, Mexico (1998)
Iztaccíhuatl, Mexico (1998) Santa Rosalía, Baja California, Mexico (1998) Dawn in Hollywood, Los Angeles (1998)
Orinoco Delta near Tucupita, Venezuela (1997) Orinoco Delta near Tucupita (1997) Orinoco Delta near Tucupita, Venezuela (1997)
Road to Paraitepui, Venezuela (1997) Paraitepui, Venezuela (1997) Chinak-Merú Falls, Venezuela (1997)
Top of the Roraima Tepui, Venezuela (1997) Top of the Roraima Tepui, Venezuela (1997)
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background photo: Isla Margarita, Venezuela (February 1997)
web design: © BoBr, 2000